Curiosity   ~   Lucidity   ~   Humanity
Community Hall

Take a virtual tour of the Community Hall buildings.

Saturday, August 9th, 2025
Reading in Woods Hole on Cape Cod

We proudly present an afternoon and evening of original readings by
Drift & Dribble writers
in collaboration with the Dublin-based
Sancho Panza Literary Society.

3 - 5 PM: "The Unsaid" - 5 minute readings (or less)

Woods Hole Community Hall (next to the drawbridge)

Original fiction including screenplays, non-fiction and poetry, subject of your choice, or on the theme, 'What wasn't said....'. Please contact us to reserve a spot to read your work. Open to society members, as well as the writing community at large, of all ages. Strict timed limits risk cutting off your terrific ending, aptly leaving it 'unsaid'. Readers will have the option to publish their work in the fall issue of The Drift & Dribble Miscellany, our online magazine. Door donations will be divided among 25 and under readers for their future contributions to culture (and their first paying gig). This event will be an escape into literature so it will be a politics free zone.

Readings on the beach.

7 PM: "Sunset Flash" on a local beach

A local beach at sunset.

Open to all 'dribbles' (50 word or less): short "flash" fiction, non-fiction, or poetry and open to all ages. This is an especially good format for the younger crowd to shine. No reservation is needed and we suggest writers fold an extra dribble or two into their back pocket for second and third chances as we go around the circle. We will announce beach location (within walking distance of the Community Hall) the day before the event. Bring a towel or beach chair. Expect the green flash of sunset to be at 7:50 and 30 seconds. (We will gather in the Community hall in the event of poor weather.)

About Us

The Cape Cod based Drift & Dribble is a growing fellowship of writers devoted to linguistic audacity and artistic exploration—welcoming those who set aside commercial motivations to focus on originality and depth. As a space for craft and innovation, we aim to develop work of lasting quality, believing that excellence naturally leads to better publishing opportunities. Our annual journal will showcase compelling work, elevating fresh insights from those who write for the love of it, while occasional readings provide a chance to bring words to life. Open to all forms of writing, we embrace the power of prose to explore new ideas and alternative perspectives with authenticity and skill. Through this movement, we seek not only to elevate our craft but also to reach discerning readers who appreciate literature that challenges, delights, and endures.